First of all it makes you realize how difficult parenting is,and thus appreciate your parents much more, they too must have had their moments of frustration. Why difficult? Because you don't always have the right answers. Because there is a lot of 'trial and error" management.. Because you tend to avoid what your parents did to you and try the opposite, until you realise that maybe they were not completely wrong in their decisions..or maybe your inner voice tells you to do something, but the surroundings tell/urge/make you do differently..and the books you read.. oh dear.. each country has its own philosophy.
Second, parenting is a self learning voyage. We learn about limits, needs, dreams (is it cool to have 4 kids as in my dream?),reality. We need to chose the right answer to their 1000 fantastic questions; "Can you see angels in the sky when you are in the aeroplane mummy'..
Third, you discover unconditional love through your kids.. and it goes both ways.. such a blessing. "you are the the prettiest mummy in the world.."..I love you even when you are angry with me mummy..."
Also, there is a major part of me who dreams of a better world, and what better way than to slowly work the minds of the little ones with positive attitude, confidence, love, and spiritual growth...for a better world...
The dream of having a big family...I wanted 4 kids since I was 14, when i met a friend who had 3 brothers and sisters, and her house was such a great house to visit.. always laughter and noise, big dinning table, always food for an extra friend, parents who seemed to be on top of everything. A happy home. Full of life.
How did they manage? recently i visited the same friend (who now have 4 kids of her own), same style, cool and happy and not at all overwelmed by any of it.. What a blessing.. and an aspiration for others..
anyway.. parenting is great...and tough.. and alive..