Monday, November 23, 2009

Fish for frying!

I was thinking this morning (it happens!) about my blog. About writing something positive, something challenging, something that could inspire other people the way it inspires me.
And frankly the more I thought, the more I could find nothing remotely interesting and worthwhile writing about.. I had negative thoughts about the H1N1 virus, about difficult relationships towards mothers and friends. I thought that we live so shortly on earth, and yet seem to find it so hard just to be nice and good about living it.
I was nearly not paying attentions to the fact that I was walking in the streets of Beirut, while people were driving through from all directions, heading to schools, work and so on. Suddenly a loud voice coming from a very large man standing just few meters away awakened me from my day-dreaming/thinking walk. He was saying “Lokkos, Nammour, lal ale’k!”, which means “fish for frying!”. He was selling fish from the trunk of his 35 years old green Mercedes, and shouting out loud to the neighbors about his fish! I looked at him and he smiled and winked at me with his left eye!! I just laughed out loud!.. He was in such a good mood that all my dark thinking vanished and I headed home with a smile on my face, forgetting all about the fears and the worries! Simple as that.

The moral of this? Dark thoughts can vanish, if we let laughter and smiles in. Brooding over things that we cannot control is a waste of time and energy. Thinking and worrying about disease and troubled relationships is energy consuming and makes you vulnerable.

Where as a good laugh and a big hug can sometimes really be as effective as eating a huge box of chocolate and winning the million. You just feel Good afterwards!

That is all…
Have a Good day!

1 comment:

Mikisew said...

Hi! Zena sent me :) I love your blog. It made my face get all smilie and crinkly... and it changed the way I dealt with my day. Thank you - I also love your description of your self... *grins wider* ...Multi-tasking...